Amazing Nurse Nanako
Nanako Kaitai Shinsho

When Dr. Ogami was developing one of his most powerful robots, Nanako was used as the subject of a cyborg experiment. Dr. Ogami put Nanako through a lot of suffering in order to make her strong enough to endure it. The scheme finally fell through, though, because he made her too powerful. Nanako will be the subject of an operation in which she will give birth to the new Jesus due to recent advances between the Pentagon and the Vatican to resuscitate Jesus for the Second Coming. We discover throughout the series that Nanako is actually the third clone created from the original Nanako. The attempt to clone the original was successful, but she perished from an unexplained disease. Each Nanako clone, however, passes away from the same unidentified ailment that killed the original Nanako at the age of 20. Since making a promise to the second clone that he would heal her before she passed away when he was a child, Dr. Ogami has been on a mission to find a cure for the "Nanako illness."